Free Tokens for Anyone Confirmed
A little personal story ...
Having been raised in family owned retail I quite clearly remember the day when the uninteresting stranger arrived unnanounced with a machine I had to buy that i did not need or want. They also wanted to steal the ancient relic i used and liked and owned. Apparently debit cards were going to make over my turnkey little pet shop into the next Super Pet. My soon to be retiring manager and i stood together behind the counter. After calling Viss, MasterCard, and American Express we let the stranger violate our landline phone and run us through his presentation. After he Lana called in our comfort pizza, calmly turned down the lights, and locked the door behind her. The liquor store was right next door. The beer would be perfectly chilled to compliment out dinner. The parrots loved pizza. Lana came back. We loved pizza. She talked first. "No one is going log a ledger if all they have to do is swipe a card." I kept eating. After i fished my first piece i said, "I know. It's just is what it is. We will be okay. We will see the additional fees and keep our ways, We will explain it to them. Try to help. Things change." It took time but we were right. Convenience clouded the fiscal rift that replaced interest bearing savings with a centralized mandatory debt owned chaos.