Internet Technology Terminology
Things are changing fast, like it or not.
Every day that I look into the internet, there is a new word ir acronym that i do not understand. I tried ti ignore it, utilize my spectrum of knowledge, and believe that i would catch up. This did not work. In order to help myself along with being able to understand the world as it is today I am going to log terms and acronyms here that I had to look up in order to know what they mean.
- BIOS: Basic Input and Output System
- CRM: Customer Relations Management
- dApps: Decentralized Application
- DAO: Decentralized Autonomous Application
- Good Dollar: A digital token that is available to anyone who has internet access. It is a decentralized finance and considered not for profit. A primary focus of is to provide a beginning availability of UBI. Good Dollar also is way for anyone who wishes to learn about crypto currency to do so without initially investing cash or linking personal information to a wallet online.
- OOP: Object Oriented Programming
- OS: Operating System
- Task: Work to be done that is often repetitive.
Internet and Computer tasks include: starting a program, checking email, saving files, automating repetitive tasks, determining business requirements for IT systems, monitoring safety and compliance, & providing technical or help desk support.